Inanimate, written by Nick Robideau and directed by Courtney Ulrich, was the first show of the Flea Theater's first season at their new building. Taking place in the 46-seat Siggy Theater, the play provides a quirky look at a community that is often the subject of ridicule and misunderstanding: objectum sexuals.
To summarize, "Erica, shy and more than a little socially awkward, is in love with Dee. The problem is that her politician sister, her only and equally awkward new friend, and the nosy residents of their small town in Massachusetts don’t understand at all, because Dee… well, Dee is a Dairy Queen sign. Inanimate is a play that explores objectum sexuality, feeling like an outsider, listening to your heart and finally, finding your tribe."
The play consisted of seven actors (the Bats), including three chorus members who play a variety of objects. My design consisted of creating music and soundscapes for each of these objects and Dee. Since each chorus member played multiple objects, I wanted their sounds to have a similar theme. For Artem Kramer (Toilet Paper/Lamp/Skeleton), I used 70's wah guitar. For Nancy Tatiana Quinntana (Milk Jug/Teddy Bear/D&D Figurine), I used clave. For Michael Oloyede (Can Opener/Shot Glass), I used metal clinks. I also integrated realistic sounds of the objects into their music, such as electricity for the Lamp, can opener scrapes and metal clinks for the Can Opener, and glassware for the Shot Glass.
Toilet Paper, Lamp, and Skeleton; played by Artem Kramer, utilizing 70's wah guitar
Milk Jug, Teddy Bear, and D&D Figurine; played by Nancy Tatiana Quinntana, utilizing clave
Can Opener and Shot Glass; played by Michael Oloyede, utilizing metal clinks
North Adams Motel Sign
Dee's Theme
Director: Courtney Ulrich
Playwright: Nick Robideau
Scenic Designer: Yu-Hsuan Chen
Lighting Designer: Becky Heisler McCarthy
Costume Designer: Sarah Lawrence
Sound Designer: Megan Culley
Stage Manager: Gina Solebello